This documentation describes an old release, version 3.5.0. Documentation for the latest release, 3.6.1, can be found here.
Class - mitto.iov2.types.EngineKwArgs
JSON Schema¶
Runner uses SQLAlchemy to interact with databases. Runner calls sqlalchemy.create_engine to establish a connection with the specified database. create_engine accepts a very large number of parameters that can be used to modify database engine behavior. You can provide parameters to create_engine via the engine_kwargs parameter of the job’s output step. Example usage: output: {
use: call:mitto.iov2.db#todb
dbo: postgresql://mitto:1234@db/analytics
schema: example_schema
tablename: example_table
engine_kwargs: {
echo: true
echo_pool: debug
pool_pre_ping: false
execution_options: {
max_row_buffer: 5000
output: {
use: call:mitto.iov2.db#todb
dbo: mssql+pyodbc://user:pass!@warehouse\mssqlserver08/somedb?driver=ODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server&UseFMTONLY=Yes
schema: example_schema
tablename: example_table
engine_kwargs: {
fast_executemany: false
query_params: {
fast_executemany: false
Refer to the sqlalchemy.create_engine documentation for a list of all possible parameters. Common create_engine parameters are listed here as a convenience. Note engine_kwargs accepts any valid create_engine parameter, even if it is not shown here. Be aware that some parameters require values which can’t be provided in a Runner job configuration. For example, the value of creator must be a Python callable, which can’t be specified in a job’s configuration. Warning This is an advanced job configuration parameter intended for use only by those with a strong knowledge of both SQLAlchemy and Runner internals. |
type |
object |
properties |
Echo |
type |
boolean |
Echo Pool |
type |
boolean |
Execution Options |
Dictionary of execution options that will be applied to all connections. These will be provided as parameters when Connection.execution_options() is called. Refer to the documentation for a list of supported parameters. |
type |
object |
examples |
{“max_row_buffer”: 5000} |
Query Params |
Additional parameters used only with MS SQLServer. |
examples |
{“fast_excutemany”: true} |
allOf |
Hide Parameters |
type |
boolean |
Isolation Level |
type |
string |
Label Length |
type |
integer |
Logging Name |
type |
string |
Max Identifier Length |
type |
integer |
Max Overflow |
type |
integer |
Param Style |
type |
string |
Pool Logging Name |
type |
string |
Pool Pre Ping |
NOTE: In some cases, this may be overridden by Runner. |
type |
boolean |
Pool Size |
type |
integer |
Pool Recycle |
type |
integer |
Pool Timeout |
type |
integer |
Pool Use Lifo |
type |
boolean |
Query Cache Size |
type |
integer |
definitions |
SQLServerQueryParameters |
Cursor parameters for MS SQLServer. NOTE: This is only used with MS SQLServer. This value is passed to cursor.fast_executemany. This value should match the value of engine_kwargs.fast_executemany present in the same output section. |
type |
object |
properties |
Fast Executemany |
Used to set fast_executemany on the cursor before execution. |
type |
boolean |
JSON Schema Definitions¶
Cursor parameters for MS SQLServer. NOTE: This is only used with MS SQLServer. This value is passed to cursor.fast_executemany. This value should match the value of engine_kwargs.fast_executemany present in the same output section. |
type |
object |
properties |
Fast Executemany |
Used to set fast_executemany on the cursor before execution. |
type |
boolean |