This documentation describes an old release, version 3.5.0. Documentation for the latest release, 3.6.1, can be found here.


MariaDB can either be used as a data source or a data destination in Zuar Runner.

Zuar Runner and MariaDB

Source plugin example: Query

Destination plugin examples: CSV, Salesforce, SQL

MariaDB as a Data Destination

  • Zuar Runner automatically creates the MariaDB database if it doesn’t exist

  • Zuar Runner automatically creates the MariaDB database tables if they don’t exist

  • Zuar Runner automatically determines data types for MariaDB columns

  • Zuar Runner automatically adds new columns to MariaDB tables based on new fields in source systems

MariaDB Specific Setup

Below is the database url structure for connecting to a MariaDB database:


Here’s an example of using a MariaDB database as a destination in a CSV job:

CSV Job with MariaDB


Unlike databases like PostgreSQL , MariaDB doesn’t have the concept of Schemas.

When using MariaDB as an input or output database, you have two options:

  1. Leave “Schema“ blank and append the database name to the end of the database URL.

    "output": {
        "dbo": "mysql+pymsql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}",
        "tablename": "{tablename}",
  2. Put the database name in the “schema” section and remove it from the end of the database URL.

    "output": {
        "dbo": "mysql+pymsql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/",
        "schema": "{database}",
        "tablename": "{tablename}",


Zuar Runner can send SQL statements to a MariaDB database. Use MariaDB syntax in these Zuar Runner SQL jobs.