This documentation describes an old release, version 3.3.5. Documentation for the latest release, 3.6.1, can be found here.
Class - jobs.job_vizql_export.JobVizqlExport
JSON Schema¶
Configuration for |
type |
object |
properties |
Credentials |
Tableau server credentials. |
anyOf |
type |
string |
allOf |
Server |
Tableau server configuration. |
allOf |
Export |
Defines the Tableau export to perform. |
anyOf |
allOf |
allOf |
allOf |
Destination Dir |
Directory in which the exported report will be saved. |
type |
string |
default |
/var/mitto/data |
format |
directory-path |
additionalProperties |
False |
definitions |
TableauCredentials |
Tableau server credentials. The Tableau REST API can accept two types of credentials for authentication:
For Tableau servers configured to require MFA, only the token_name, and personal_access_token form of credentials will be accepted. For Tableaus servers that do not require MFA, either form of credentials will be accepted. Note: Personal Access Tokens expire if unused for more than 15 days. |
type |
object |
properties |
Username |
Tableau username. |
type |
string |
examples |
steve |
Password |
Tableau password. |
type |
string |
examples |
steve-password |
Token Name |
Tableau Personal Access Token Name |
type |
string |
examples |
test_token_name |
Personal Access Token |
Tableau Personal Access Token Value |
type |
string |
examples |
F3QtOEOzRDKW8wGIe1LOmQ==:DlgqULXdhInxWqQMhM5WGjJ05hzRP3nM |
additionalProperties |
False |
TableauServer |
Tableau server configuration. |
type |
object |
properties |
Server |
Tableau server to use. |
type |
string |
examples |
Site |
Tableau site to use. Note: to use the |
type |
string |
examples |
User Id To Impersonate |
Tableau username to impersonate when authenticating. If not provided, no impersonation is performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
3908c4ce-b171-46f3-b12b-d8827c162199 |
additionalProperties |
False |
CSVExport |
Complete definition of the Tableau REST CSV export |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
Name that the export will be saved under. Do not include the extension; it will be determined automatically. |
type |
string |
default |
tableau-export |
Workbook |
type |
string |
View |
type |
string |
View Filters |
View filters to apply to data. |
type |
object |
examples |
State |
Louisiana |
Texas |
Category |
Office Supplies |
region |
NA |
sub_region |
plant_name |
global_start_datetime |
2020-06-12 00:00:00.000 |
global_end_datetime |
2020-06-12 23:59:59.999 |
default |
Full |
Process all views in workbook, not just the view specified by
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
null |
Timeout |
Maximum number of seconds to allow before killing request. |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Retries |
Maximum number of times to retry a failed request. |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Maxage |
The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. |
type |
integer |
maximum |
240 |
minimum |
-1 |
default |
-1 |
Type |
Type of export being performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
csv |
default |
csv |
additionalProperties |
False |
PDFLayoutOptions |
Defines all available Vizql page layout options |
type |
object |
properties |
Imageheight |
type |
string |
examples |
1440 |
1024 |
pattern |
^\d+$ |
default |
0 |
Imagewidth |
type |
string |
examples |
3440 |
1280 |
pattern |
^\d+$ |
default |
0 |
Pagefithorizontal |
type |
string |
examples |
1 |
2 |
pattern |
^[12]$ |
default |
1 |
Pagefitvertical |
type |
string |
examples |
1 |
2 |
pattern |
^[12]$ |
default |
1 |
Pageorientationoption |
type |
string |
examples |
landscape |
portrait |
default |
landscape |
Pagescalemode |
type |
string |
examples |
auto |
fit-pages |
percent |
default |
auto |
Pagescalepercent |
type |
string |
examples |
25 |
50 |
60 |
75 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
200 |
400 |
default |
100 |
Pagesizeoption |
type |
string |
examples |
a3 |
a4 |
a5 |
b4 |
b5 |
executive |
folio |
ledger |
legal |
letter |
note |
quarto |
statement |
tabloid |
unspecified |
default |
letter |
additionalProperties |
False |
PDFModifications |
Modification to make to a Vizql PDF Export request. |
type |
object |
properties |
Request |
The request to modify. |
type |
string |
examples |
auth |
embed |
bootstrap |
export_options |
export_server |
Action |
The type of modification to perform to the request.
type |
string |
examples |
update |
replace |
pop |
default |
update |
Destination |
The argument to modify in the |
type |
string |
examples |
data |
cookies |
files |
headers |
params |
Items |
Keys and values to use in modifying the request. |
type |
object |
examples |
clientDimension |
{‘w’: 1280, ‘h’: 1024} |
dashboardPortSize |
{‘w’: 1280, ‘h’: 1024} |
worksheetPortSize |
{‘w’: 1280, ‘h’: 1024} |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
PDFExport |
Complete definition of the Tableau Vizql PDF export |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
Name that the export will be saved under. Do not include the extension; it will be determined automatically. |
type |
string |
default |
tableau-export |
Workbook |
type |
string |
View |
type |
string |
View Filters |
View filters to apply to data. |
type |
object |
examples |
State |
Louisiana |
Texas |
Category |
Office Supplies |
region |
NA |
sub_region |
plant_name |
global_start_datetime |
2020-06-12 00:00:00.000 |
global_end_datetime |
2020-06-12 23:59:59.999 |
default |
Full |
Process all views in workbook, not just the view specified by
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
null |
Timeout |
Maximum number of seconds to allow before killing request. |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Retries |
Maximum number of times to retry a failed request. |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Maxage |
The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. |
type |
integer |
maximum |
240 |
minimum |
-1 |
default |
-1 |
Type |
Type of export being performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
default |
Options |
default |
imageHeight |
0 |
imageWidth |
0 |
pageFitHorizontal |
1 |
pageFitVertical |
1 |
pageOrientationOption |
landscape |
pageScaleMode |
auto |
pageScalePercent |
100 |
pageSizeOption |
letter |
allOf |
Modifications |
type |
array |
default |
items |
Log Requests |
Log the content of each request. |
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
default |
False |
Log Responses |
Log the content of each response received from the server. Helpful for determining what data is available for use in requests. |
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
default |
False |
Save Responses |
Save the content of each response received from the server in /tmp. Helpful for determining what data is available for use in requests. |
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
default |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
XLSXExport |
Complete definition of the Tableau REST XLSX export |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
Name that the export will be saved under. Do not include the extension; it will be determined automatically. |
type |
string |
default |
tableau-export |
Workbook |
type |
string |
View |
type |
string |
View Filters |
View filters to apply to data. |
type |
object |
examples |
State |
Louisiana |
Texas |
Category |
Office Supplies |
region |
NA |
sub_region |
plant_name |
global_start_datetime |
2020-06-12 00:00:00.000 |
global_end_datetime |
2020-06-12 23:59:59.999 |
default |
Full |
Process all views in workbook, not just the view specified by
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
null |
Timeout |
Maximum number of seconds to allow before killing request. |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Retries |
Maximum number of times to retry a failed request. |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Maxage |
The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. |
type |
integer |
maximum |
240 |
minimum |
-1 |
default |
-1 |
Type |
Type of export being performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
xlsx |
default |
xlsx |
additionalProperties |
False |
JSON Schema Definitions¶
Tableau server credentials. The Tableau REST API can accept two types of credentials for authentication:
For Tableau servers configured to require MFA, only the token_name, and personal_access_token form of credentials will be accepted. For Tableaus servers that do not require MFA, either form of credentials will be accepted. Note: Personal Access Tokens expire if unused for more than 15 days. |
type |
object |
properties |
Username |
Tableau username. |
type |
string |
examples |
steve |
Password |
Tableau password. |
type |
string |
examples |
steve-password |
Token Name |
Tableau Personal Access Token Name |
type |
string |
examples |
test_token_name |
Personal Access Token |
Tableau Personal Access Token Value |
type |
string |
examples |
F3QtOEOzRDKW8wGIe1LOmQ==:DlgqULXdhInxWqQMhM5WGjJ05hzRP3nM |
additionalProperties |
False |
Tableau server configuration. |
type |
object |
properties |
Server |
Tableau server to use. |
type |
string |
examples |
Site |
Tableau site to use. Note: to use the |
type |
string |
examples |
User Id To Impersonate |
Tableau username to impersonate when authenticating. If not provided, no impersonation is performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
3908c4ce-b171-46f3-b12b-d8827c162199 |
additionalProperties |
False |
Complete definition of the Tableau REST CSV export |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
Name that the export will be saved under. Do not include the extension; it will be determined automatically. |
type |
string |
default |
tableau-export |
Workbook |
type |
string |
View |
type |
string |
View Filters |
View filters to apply to data. |
type |
object |
examples |
State |
Louisiana |
Texas |
Category |
Office Supplies |
region |
NA |
sub_region |
plant_name |
global_start_datetime |
2020-06-12 00:00:00.000 |
global_end_datetime |
2020-06-12 23:59:59.999 |
default |
Full |
Process all views in workbook, not just the view specified by
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
null |
Timeout |
Maximum number of seconds to allow before killing request. |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Retries |
Maximum number of times to retry a failed request. |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Maxage |
The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. |
type |
integer |
maximum |
240 |
minimum |
-1 |
default |
-1 |
Type |
Type of export being performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
csv |
default |
csv |
additionalProperties |
False |
Defines all available Vizql page layout options |
type |
object |
properties |
Imageheight |
type |
string |
examples |
1440 |
1024 |
pattern |
^\d+$ |
default |
0 |
Imagewidth |
type |
string |
examples |
3440 |
1280 |
pattern |
^\d+$ |
default |
0 |
Pagefithorizontal |
type |
string |
examples |
1 |
2 |
pattern |
^[12]$ |
default |
1 |
Pagefitvertical |
type |
string |
examples |
1 |
2 |
pattern |
^[12]$ |
default |
1 |
Pageorientationoption |
type |
string |
examples |
landscape |
portrait |
default |
landscape |
Pagescalemode |
type |
string |
examples |
auto |
fit-pages |
percent |
default |
auto |
Pagescalepercent |
type |
string |
examples |
25 |
50 |
60 |
75 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
200 |
400 |
default |
100 |
Pagesizeoption |
type |
string |
examples |
a3 |
a4 |
a5 |
b4 |
b5 |
executive |
folio |
ledger |
legal |
letter |
note |
quarto |
statement |
tabloid |
unspecified |
default |
letter |
additionalProperties |
False |
Modification to make to a Vizql PDF Export request. |
type |
object |
properties |
Request |
The request to modify. |
type |
string |
examples |
auth |
embed |
bootstrap |
export_options |
export_server |
Action |
The type of modification to perform to the request.
type |
string |
examples |
update |
replace |
pop |
default |
update |
Destination |
The argument to modify in the |
type |
string |
examples |
data |
cookies |
files |
headers |
params |
Items |
Keys and values to use in modifying the request. |
type |
object |
examples |
clientDimension |
{‘w’: 1280, ‘h’: 1024} |
dashboardPortSize |
{‘w’: 1280, ‘h’: 1024} |
worksheetPortSize |
{‘w’: 1280, ‘h’: 1024} |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Complete definition of the Tableau Vizql PDF export |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
Name that the export will be saved under. Do not include the extension; it will be determined automatically. |
type |
string |
default |
tableau-export |
Workbook |
type |
string |
View |
type |
string |
View Filters |
View filters to apply to data. |
type |
object |
examples |
State |
Louisiana |
Texas |
Category |
Office Supplies |
region |
NA |
sub_region |
plant_name |
global_start_datetime |
2020-06-12 00:00:00.000 |
global_end_datetime |
2020-06-12 23:59:59.999 |
default |
Full |
Process all views in workbook, not just the view specified by
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
null |
Timeout |
Maximum number of seconds to allow before killing request. |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Retries |
Maximum number of times to retry a failed request. |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Maxage |
The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. |
type |
integer |
maximum |
240 |
minimum |
-1 |
default |
-1 |
Type |
Type of export being performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
default |
Options |
default |
imageHeight |
0 |
imageWidth |
0 |
pageFitHorizontal |
1 |
pageFitVertical |
1 |
pageOrientationOption |
landscape |
pageScaleMode |
auto |
pageScalePercent |
100 |
pageSizeOption |
letter |
allOf |
Modifications |
type |
array |
default |
items |
Log Requests |
Log the content of each request. |
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
default |
False |
Log Responses |
Log the content of each response received from the server. Helpful for determining what data is available for use in requests. |
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
default |
False |
Save Responses |
Save the content of each response received from the server in /tmp. Helpful for determining what data is available for use in requests. |
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
default |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
Complete definition of the Tableau REST XLSX export |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
Name that the export will be saved under. Do not include the extension; it will be determined automatically. |
type |
string |
default |
tableau-export |
Workbook |
type |
string |
View |
type |
string |
View Filters |
View filters to apply to data. |
type |
object |
examples |
State |
Louisiana |
Texas |
Category |
Office Supplies |
region |
NA |
sub_region |
plant_name |
global_start_datetime |
2020-06-12 00:00:00.000 |
global_end_datetime |
2020-06-12 23:59:59.999 |
default |
Full |
Process all views in workbook, not just the view specified by
type |
boolean |
examples |
true |
false |
null |
Timeout |
Maximum number of seconds to allow before killing request. |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Retries |
Maximum number of times to retry a failed request. |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Maxage |
The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. |
type |
integer |
maximum |
240 |
minimum |
-1 |
default |
-1 |
Type |
Type of export being performed. |
type |
string |
examples |
xlsx |
default |
xlsx |
additionalProperties |
False |